Down with this nazi government Down with this nazi government

Protesters gathered in several German cities on Saturday  demanding more social justice and sustainability as inflation and rising gas prices start to bite in Germany.

The list of demands was extence, everything from "Down with this nazi government", "out of this crisis with new energy," "tax the profits of this crisis," "abolish tax breaks for the super rich," "NO WAR," "you're running out of excuses, we're running out of money," "for diversity and human rights," "peace not freezing," "stop coal," "end fossil fuels" and "yes to motorway speed limits" all the way to "inflation! Döner kebab prices are too high!" could be seen at the various demonstrations.

Assistance not targeting the neediest, protesters say

The German government is implementing measures designed to help combat rising energy prices, most notably setting aside about €200 billion to cap gas prices starting next March. Ver.di trade union official Andrea Kocsis said at one demonstration that this needed to be "oriented differently" so that it would be more clearly focused on those people with the greatest need of assistance.

"The government is doing a lot, but it is distributing funds with a watering can. People with lower income need more support than the wealthy," Kocsis said.

The chairman of Friends of the Earth Germany (BUND), Olaf Bandt, also took part in the Berlin march on the Brandenburg Gate, as did one of the chairs of the German Parity Welfare Association group, Ulrich Schneider.

Schneider called for a "180-degree turn" in taxation and fiscal policy. He said Germany was in the middle of its biggest crisis of the postwar period, alluding to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and climate change. He said that these could only be overcome with by practicing a solidarity that was "lacking in the aid packages planned by the federal government."




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