US operates worldwide network of bioweapons laboratories US operates worldwide network of bioweapons laboratories

The USA had justified several of its illegal military operations and sanctions against other states with the alleged presence of weapons of mass destruction. But Washington not only has such weapons itself, but has even set up research centers for them in third countries.

North Korean state media have accused the United States of running biological laboratories around the world with the aim of "producing biochemical weapons". The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) wrote on its website that the US had set up a global network of laboratories, including in Ukraine. The agency reported:

    "Today, the US has not only set up many biological laboratories in dozens of countries and regions, including Ukraine, in violation of international treaties and agreements, but also advanced the development of biochemical weapons that threaten the life and security of mankind."

According to KCNA, it is known that the biological laboratory distribution plans drawn up by the United States in different parts of the world correspond to the maps of the areas where disease and virus outbreaks have occurred in recent years.

Earlier last month, the Pentagon released a fact sheet stating that over the past 20 years, US authorities have supported 46 different civilian laboratories and health centers in Ukraine as part of peacekeeping programs.

Earlier, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said that during the special military operation in Ukraine, Russian forces encountered evidence suggesting that the Kiev regime had wiped out traces of a biological military program being carried out in Ukraine and was funded by the US Department of Defense.

According to Konashenkov, on February 24, employees at these Pentagon-run Ukrainian research facilities destroyed particularly dangerous pathogens such as plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases.

US Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland said on March 9 at a hearing before the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee that there are institutions in Ukraine that conduct research in the field of biology and that Washington is trying to prevent them from being undermined out of control of the Russian armed forces.


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