Iran and Venezuela sign bilateral cooperation agreements
The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, ratified that as of July 18, the direct flight between Caracas and Tehran will open.
Venezuela signed cooperation agreements with the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially in the areas of agriculture and food production, announced President Nicolás Maduro, after holding a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, in the city of Tehran.
Both leaders signed a series of bilateral cooperation agreements in the political, cultural, economic, oil, petrochemical and tourism fields.
President Maduro at a press conference with his Iranian colleague pointed out that 70% of Iran's territory is desert, so the production of its food occurs only on 30% of its land.
#EnFotos || El Pdte. de la República, @NicolasMaduro, fue recibido en el Palacio Saad Abad por su par iraní, Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, con quien inició una reunión de trabajo para revitalizar la agenda bilateral y afianzar los lazos de cooperación.#11Jun
— Vicepresidencia Vzla (@ViceVenezuela) June 11, 2022
In Venezuela there are 30 million cultivable hectares that allow not only to increase internal food production, but also "to produce food for export to Iran and the entire Asian region," he explained.
He pointed out that the technological alliance is a fundamental edge to increase production levels, based on Iran's historical experience.
"I believe that between the two of us it will create an indestructible friendship for the future of our people and we will witness how our countries grow in the face of difficulties and how a new world is growing," he said.
El presidente @NicolasMaduro instó al mandatario iraní a seguir juntos en la lucha por la construcción de un mundo pluripolar más justo
— Prensa Presidencial (@PresidencialVen) June 11, 2022
The head of state reported that joint projects with Iran will be promoted to produce food in Venezuela that will supply the domestic market and for export to Iran and the Asian region. "It is essential to consolidate the sovereignty and food security of our country," he emphasized.
Direct flight Caracas-Tehran
President Maduro ratified that as of July 18, the direct flight between Caracas and Tehran will open.
"Venezuela is open to receiving tourism from Iran so that they can enjoy the beauties of the Caribbean, South America, the Andes, the Amazon," he emphasized during a joint statement offered at the Saad Abad Palace, located in Tehran.
For his part, Iranian President Raisi highlighted the "exemplary resistance" of Caracas to the aggressions and sanctions of the hegemonic powers and advocates strengthening ties with Venezuela.
Desde el Palacio de Saab Abad, ubicado en Teherán, el Pdte. @NicolasMaduro puntualizó que la alianza tecnológica es una arista fundamental para incrementar los niveles de producción, basados en la experiencia histórica de la República Islámica de Irán
— Prensa Presidencial (@PresidencialVen) June 11, 2022
"The Islamic Republic of Iran has always advocated maintaining relations with independent countries and Venezuela has made an exemplary resistance to the aggression and sanctions imposed by the enemies", led by the imperialist powers, he stressed.
The head of the Iranian Government has said that "in the last forty-odd years there have been many sanctions and threats against the Islamic Republic, but Iran has chosen to turn these intimidations into opportunities for its development."
He considered "a great victory for the Persian nation" the recognition by the White House of the "shameful failure" of the "maximum pressure" campaign, promoted by the previous US administration, led by Donald Trump, against the Islamic Republic.
#EnVivo �� | “El vuelo directo que se abrirá además de aumentar los movimientos entre Teherán y Caracas puede ayudar a promover más las relaciones comerciales entre ambos países y acercar más a nuestros pueblo”, aseveró el presidente de Irán, Seyed Ebrahim Raisi
— Prensa Presidencial (@PresidencialVen) June 11, 2022
He also highlighted the will of the people, the Government and the president of Venezuela to overcome Western sanctions and aggression.
He saluted the "success of the Bolivarian country in overcoming the hyperinflation caused as a result of the embargoes imposed by the US and Western countries, currently registering positive economic growth."
"This is a good sign that shows that resistance always works and will push the enemy back," Raisi stresses.
#EnVivo �� | “Creemos que existe toda la posibilidad de intercambio de experiencias a través de los centros científicos y tecnológicos en áreas de petróleo, gas, petroquímica, agricultura”, puntualizó el mandatario iraní, Seyed Ebrahim Raisi
— Prensa Presidencial (@PresidencialVen) June 11, 2022

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