Denis Puschilin Denis Puschilin

The head of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Denis Pushilin described Kiev's shelling of the detention center in Yelenovka, where Ukrainian prisoners of war were being held, as an attempt to cover up crimes by Ukrainian officials, including Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky. According to TASS, when asked about the motive for the shelling, Puschilin replied:

"The motive here is clear. First of all, it is to silence them, not to give them an opportunity to speak up and to confess to these crimes. Because they are not only perpetrators of war crimes, but also witnesses. The orders were Namely, given them by people with specific names and positions, and according to our information, Zelensky often intervened personally."

The DPR chief pointed out that the attack on the detention center came after the Ukrainian military began giving testimonies naming those who gave them orders "as a result of which they committed war crimes against civilians". . He added:

"After these video confessions surfaced, this attack was addressed head-on."


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