The hypocrite of Pedro Sanchez The hypocrite of Pedro Sanchez

As if it were a bad joke, a video of Spanish President Pedro Sánchez has gone viral, asking his cabinet and other public officials to stop wearing a tie when not necessary, pointing out that it is a gesture that contributes to energy savings. , although the Spanish chief did not detail how much this 'measure' would supposedly help save energy.

But that's not all, the Spanish president also asked the private sector to dispense with the tie if possible, to avoid greater use of air conditioning.

    “I am not wearing a tie, that means that we can all save from an energy point of view and I have asked all the ministers and all the public officials. And to the private sector, as far as possible, that when it is not necessary they do not wear a tie and that way we will all save," said Pedro Sánchez.

The prices of electricity have risen so much that the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge modified the temperature of the air conditioning in its facilities, in an attempt to keep electricity costs low, according to a report by Bloomberg. .

As expected, criticism came for this measure, for example, the Popular Party criticized Sánchez for asking citizens to take off their ties to save energy, and then board a helicopter and travel the 25.8 kilometers that connect the Moncloa Palace and the Torrejón air base, burning “600 kilos of kerosene”.

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