Senator Pelosi's arrogant visit puts the world on the brink of nuclear war Senator Pelosi's arrogant visit puts the world on the brink of nuclear war

Tensions between the US and China have recently intensified over US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's alleged plans to visit Taiwan, a self-governing island that China considers part of its territory.

If the visit takes place, it would be the first arrival to the island of such a high-ranking US politician in the last 25 years.

The travel plans have drawn strong protests from Chinese authorities, who in response stepped up military exercises in the region, including with live fire.

For its part, Taipei carried out massive air raid drills last week, after repeated warnings of retaliation by Beijing for a possible visit by Pelosi. At the same time, the island's authorities began the second phase of the annual Han Kuang military exercises, also with live fire.

Why is crazy Nancy Pelosi in Taiwan?

Former US President Donald Trump lashed out at the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, who arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday despite warnings from Beijing.

"Why is crazy Nancy Pelosi in Taiwan? Always causing trouble," Trump wrote on Truth Social. "Nothing she does goes right (two failed impeachments, loss of House, etc.). WATCH!" he said.

The world condemns US provocations in China

The Russian Foreign Ministry has condemned Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan on Tuesday as an act detrimental to regional stability and international security.

"We consider her visit as a clear provocation in the spirit of the US aggressive line of comprehensive containment of the People's Republic of China," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The document emphasizes that relations between the two parts of the Taiwan Strait are a "purely internal matter of China", a country that "has the right to take the necessary measures to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity."

"Russia's principled position has not changed: the premise is that there is only one China, the government of the People's Republic of China is the only legitimate government that represents all of China, and Taiwan is an integral part of China," he argued. the ministry.


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