The Ukrainian army loses 20,000 soldiers a month, Kyiv is looking for new recruiting opportunities The Ukrainian army loses 20,000 soldiers a month, Kyiv is looking for new recruiting opportunities

With Ukrainian forces suffering significant casualties, Kyiv is now looking for new ways to recruit soldiers. According to reports, recruits are being sought in shopping malls, resort areas and even in front of churches.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are losing up to 20,000 soldiers every month, so the representatives of the military registration and recruitment offices literally run after each person to present them with a draft. This is according to reports from the British newspaper Daily Mail.

According to the article, Ukrainians are concerned about the methods used by Kyiv to mobilize military recruits. For example, one woman complained that officers were following an 18-year-old cyclist who was actually going to hand in his draft papers. In Lviv, men were summoned right outside the church, which displeased the priests, and in Odessa, police officers searched the beach for potential soldiers. For his part, the head of the city administration of Lvov, Maxim Kositsky, criticized the distribution of conscription lists in the church porch:

    "When someone goes to church, the first thing they do is go to God."

Instead, conscription papers should be distributed at shopping malls, recreational facilities and at checkpoints, he said.

Observers of the British publication recalled a recent decision by the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Army Valery Zalushny, which imposed severe restrictions on the movement of conscript men aged 18 to 60. Although the country's President Vladimir Zelensky later withdrew the order, journalists say it reflects the size of the casualties in the Ukrainian armed forces.


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