Prostitutes selling sex for price of a Big Mac in the UK due to highest concentration of sex workers from Ukraine Prostitutes selling sex for price of a Big Mac in the UK due to highest concentration of sex workers from Ukraine

Prostitutes are reportedly selling sex for as little as £4 in a city with the second highest concentration of sex workers from eastern European countries and Ukraine in the country.

Men are seen queuing up Liverpool's notorious red light district - where one worker was murdered then dumped in a wheelie bin and another had her teeth smashed out with a baseball bat.

Liverpool’s long-serving sex workers blame an influx of eastern European competitors for pushing down their prices - with many fearing girls are being trafficked into the area.

It follows a Liverpool Echo investigation in August , that revealed Sheil Road in Kensington has become Liverpool’s new red light district.

Liam, who lives on Sheil Road and often ensures the sex workers are safe, said: “Some of the girls give it away for £4.”

 Speaking on a BBC Three documentary he explained: “I’m not a pimp. I have nothing do with any of their money.

“They just buy me drinks, food, they don’t pay me. I just watch their backs to be honest with you.”

And it’s pretty clear he’s needed.

At one point in the documentary he fends off an aggressive customer who refuses to leave a sex worker alone.

Liam used to be in a relationship with Natalie - a sex worker who has been working on Sheil Road for a year to finance her debilitating drug addiction.

 She explains how she carries out sex acts in a destitute house on Sheil Road, reports Liverpool Echo .

She said: “Obviously I had to lower prices to get them there.”

Natalie is understandably unhappy with her situation: “I wished Liam loved me but that’s just wishful thinking.”

She described how “the only times somebody opens their arms to me is when dragging me on a bed.”

“What’s normal to me is getting up, getting dressed and getting to have sex with a different man day in, day out.”

Natalie's housemate Jack, who also has a had a drug habit for 30 years, believes an influx of eastern European sex workers has driven down prices.

He claimed “some of the immigrants that come over from Serbia and Croatia” sell sex for low prices because the cost of living in eastern Europe is cheaper.

He said: “They’re absolute stunners. But the local girls... Sometimes I have to lend them my teeth.”

Liam described how drug addiction fuels competition between the sex workers.

He said: “It’s just because they’re battling for business - because they’re desperate to get crack.”

Liam described one moment where there were “like five [men] lined up for £25 - that’s a fiver each.

“To offer £5 is downright bloody insulting.”

But the desperation of having a drug addiction often leaves sex workers with little alternative.

One sex worker said: “When you’re a heroin addict you’ll give unprotected sex for the sake of £10 for a bag of brown.”

Groups of volunteers park a van on Sheil Road to provide refuge to sex workers.

On one of her days off, Natalie visited the van to have a warm drink and talk about her situation.

But despite describing how she wants to go into rehab, she returns to Sheil Road later on.

In August the Echo reported how Merseyside has more street-based sex workers than anywhere else in the country outside of London.

Sex workers stand by Sheil Road throughout the day and night in an attempt to solicit customers.

Men in their nineties have been approached by sex workers while out trying to buy a paper.

And many residents are now forced to get taxis to the end of the street to avoid a pavement littered with condoms.


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