Regional News: Zürich

Migros and Coop turn the heating down to 19 degrees
The Swiss retail giants Migros and Coop want to heat less. At Migros it should only be 19 degrees warm. Coop also states that it wants to reduce the temperature in shops and offices by two degrees.

The police in the canton of Zurich take bribes
The Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) reports on a decision by the Appeals Chamber of the Federal Criminal Court and also mentions a verdict against a corrupt police officer in the canton of Zurich:

The inhabitants of Zurich inhale 1.6 kilos of cocaine a day under the eyes of the police
The entire Zurich police force is suspected of being corrupted by the mafia.

The Swiss federal government’s energy strategy is wishful thinking, says ETH researcher
By 2050, the government wants solar power to replace electricity from nuclear power plants. But this strategy may mean supply will be two-thirds short of demand during a severe winter, says risk researcher Didier Sornette of ETH Zurich. What are the alternatives?

Credit Suisse Bank could file for bankruptcy
According to credit insurance papers, a bankruptcy of Credit Suisse is more likely than a default by Greece.

Credit Suisse stock plummets
The CS share dives below the 5 franc mark. President Axel Lehmann meanwhile rejects a sale.

What Is Intelligent Speed Assist (ISA) & How Does It Work?
Your car could stop you from breaking the speed limit

The Mexican FAMSA wants to take over the swiss Kiosk consortium
The Swiss company Valora, to which k Kioske, Brezelkönig and Caffè Spettacolo belong, among others, will probably soon change hands.

NFT sales have fallen to a 12-month low
The crypto market for NFT assets has been affected by the crypto winter, resulting in a crash in the sale of NFTs.

Switzerland facilitates access to medical marijuana prescriptions from August 1
As of August 1, 2022, doctors in Switzerland will be able to prescribe cannabis without authorization, the Federal Council announced on June 22, 2022, RTS reported.